Читать книгу бесплатно Настигнут радостью. Исследуя горе - Клайв Льюис
"Overwhelmed by Joy" and "Exploring Sorrow" - profound personal works by Lewis, written with the hope that his experiences would serve as a guiding beacon for those who are lost or in despair. "His severity is kinder than our leniency, and by compelling us, He grants us freedom." This truth revealed itself to Lewis after years of vehement atheism. Believing that his journey could be of use to others, he decided to write a brief yet "painfully honest" essay about his life, focusing on significant events that led him from complete denial to a simple and clear understanding of God. The second work in the collection, "Exploring Sorrow," is a soul-wrenching, genuine, confessional diary that Lewis kept after the tragic death of his beloved wife. It is the diary of a person who found the courage to delve into their grief and turn it into a source of strength.
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